Lyrics not available


SOUL ROCKIN' may be a Bruce Springsteen song from around 1977. It's unknown if "Soul Rockin'" is the title for a song on its own or a working title for another.

In a list titled "New Songs" that appears in the handwritten lyrics notebook that was reproduced in The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story box set (see scan below), among the songs listed is one titled "Soul Rockin'". The list likely dates from shortly before the June 1977 sessions since the majority of the songs on it were recorded at those sessions.

Proposed song lists for Springsteen's fourth album
Proposed song lists for Springsteen's fourth album


If you have any additional information about this song, an audio recording, a scan of a Springsteen sheet that shows this title, or a lyrics sheet, please contact me via the below form or by email: .

Available Versions

List of available versions of SOUL ROCKIN' on this website:


Page last updated: 27 Dec 2020